Have you heard of this?? It's a wonderful idea that has really taken off...
I took part last year and received lovely gifts from Claire at Loopholes by Badschnoodles and sent crocheted necklaces to the three ladies that I had to 'Craft it Forward' to.
This year I've seen a lot more people taking part which is great :) I'm lucky enough to be on the receiving end of gifts from both the fabulous Odd Sox and the tremendous Raggy Rat so this means that I need to Craft it Forward to 10 people! (It's gone from 3 to 5 in a year!!) I'm going to send to the first 5 who comment on my blog and to the first 5 who comment on my Facebook page which is here
So here's what YOU need to do...
If you would like to receive something handmade by me, just comment below, I'll contact the first 5 of you for delivery details and Hey Presto, you'll receive a little handmade gifty from me :) Your end of the deal is to publish the rules onto either your Facebook Page or Blog and send out 5 handmade gifts to people before the end of 2012 (who in turn send out to another 5 people) until everyone receives a lovely handmade gift! How fab is that??
Ooh I love this :) I took part in Craft Fairy as part of the Natural Mamas forum and we each put our names in a 'hat' and got assigned someone to gift for. It was lovely and crafty and great fun to 'stalk' the person we were gifting for.